Category: 100 Extraordinary Adventures

  • The Silmarillion


    Strangely, the adventuresque quality of The Silmarillion is due mostly to the fact that at least 80 percent of its appeal is in how dry and boring it pretends to be. Its desire is to be both adventurous and dull. This is not an easy feat to pull off, mind you. Nor do I contend that it is actually dry and boring, but either intentionally or unconsciously, either for good or ill, it tries its very best to copy the history books that you read in high school. It could just be that the guy who wrote it was dull (a strong possibility) but my guess is that it is intentional.

    "Little did you know; I am quite jolly and irascible."

    The reason for this is no great mystery. It was most likely approached from this angle to give it what the people of France call “realism.” The fact that The Silmarillion takes itself so seriously gives it that certain je ne sais quoi.

    Actually, on second thought, I do sais quoi. It's realism.

    The people of France, hitherto known as The French, have themselves another word: Milieu. Which is from the root word “mill” as in “to mill about”, which is yet another way of saying “to loiter”, and “ieu” which consists completely of vowels, but that is neither here nor there. Since folk must by necessity have a place or time to mill about in over time, the word evolved into its present day meaning: Physical or social surroundings. And while The Silmarillion is told in a somewhat linear fashion, it is more rooted in making us believe the place exists, not necessarily that the characters really said or didn’t say, or do the things it has them do.

    The story itself is truly epic on a massive scale and attempts nothing less than to sum up an entire (made up) world in one book. One tiny book that is about the same size as The Hobbit, but spans millennia instead of the mere measly months that encompass all of The Hobbit. It claims to be written by one J.R.R. Tolkein (which totally should be the name of a steam train somewhere). But it was actually written/collected by Christopher Tolkein, his son, who was not as well known for world building as his father, but presumably has cultivated a deep talent for sorting through his dad’s weird old stories. I happen to have a dad that tells weird old stories and I can tell you: This is no small accomplishment.

    All aboard the J.R.R. Tolkein, everybody! We’re going deep into the world of world building.

    The story starts with the song of Illuvatar who introduces a theme and then allows the Ea to play with the theme and provide the variations. As they sing, their song creates the world (or something). A dude named Melkor introduces discord into the tune and the stories get better from there. The real success of the Silmarillion is the absolute level of detail that you can see went into these stories. The fact that they are just the random collected back story for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy is startling. Even more curious is the claim that these stories and legends were written first.

    Unlike so many prequels these days, that claim has the air of legitimacy. It becomes even more believable when you realize that the characters and events that are present in the hobbit and LOTR (pronounced “loiter”, as in “to mill about”) are barely even blips on the radar here. Sauron here is merely just a toady of Melkor and is not really all that bad in comparison. Again though, the great adventure here is in how vast and wide the story is. Though it lacks a main protagonist, The Silmarillion is intensely readable and addictive and more than deserves its place on our countdown.

    Next up #96!

  • North by Northwest


    When watching North by Northwest, one thing becomes abundantly clear: Changing the title to “The Man In Lincoln’s Nose” would help the movie not a single bit.

    Is it just me, or does this angle make Abe Lincoln look like Connie Chung?

    That was, of course, Hitchcock’s original title. For that matter, it’s his original pitch.  Perhaps the studio thought the title was a little too on the nose, but Hitch really wanted to do an action movie on the face of Mount Rushmore, with a guy hiding out in Honest Abe’s sinus cavity.  Die Hard in a schnoz, with Cary Grant as the titular booger man.  There are worse places to stage an action sequence.  Roosevelt’s nose, for instance, is too stuffy a location.

    Lacks a certain nasal quality.

    Let’s face it (good grief, enough with the puns!), watching movie stars crawl all over world landmarks is one of the main reasons we watch movies.  It’s famous people we will never meet going into restricted areas we will never gain access to.  When was the last time you wandered up the steps of the Great Pyramids, or BASE jumped the Eiffel tower?  That’s because your name is not Cary Grant or Eve Marie Saint.  I know this because Cary Grant is dead and Eve Marie Saint almost so.  But also because if anyone not named Cary Grant or Eve Marie Saint tries to access the Great Pyramids (except in a Steve Carrell cartoon), they are shot on site.  And if you try for the Eiffel Tower, they get Stephen Sommers to blow it up.

    Maybe I’m belaboring the point, but if you’ve ever been to Mt. Rushmore, you can’t deny that it looks imminently adventurous (read: climbable).  Massive monuments to gods and kings — staples of the adventure stories of the past — are few and far between in today’s world, and in America especially so.  We don’t have the Colossus of Rhodes to go stage a gunfight on.  For that matter, neither does Rhodes.  The closest we have is Lincoln’s nose, and Hitchcock was wise to pick it.  No director in the world could come up with a better statue climax.

    That's why he's Hitchcock and you're not. Saboteur (1942)

    North by Northwest may end in a giant nostril, but it begins with one of those timeless adventure story quests:  pursuit of the secret microfilm.  You could not make a spy movie in the 1950s and 60s without microfilm.  It simply wasn’t done.  Microfilm was the magic technology of the time.  Only spies had access to it. You never saw anybody at the beach with microfilm cameras, but if you were a spy, it was the only thing you used.  The pictures it produced were the size of your fingernail.  It might look great hanging on some mouse’s wall, but if you were a normal sized human being, the only way to view it was with one of those awesome little jewelers glasses.

    A microfilm camera must have been a devil to focus, and even more annoying to change the role, but for some reason, all the secrets of the world were stored on microfilm.  If Moses had received the Ten Commandments in the 1950s, the Ark of the Covenant would still be carrying around smashed bits of microfilm.  Obviously foreign powers love to get their hands on microfilm.  You are nobody in the spy community if you aren’t stealing other people’s microfilm.  I don’t think they even care what’s on it.  They just like the idea of being the only people in the world with a thousand pictures in their pocket.


    As fate would have it, there is no microfilm in North by Northwest.  But all the characters think there is, and it informs all the mean things they do to Cary Grant, such as kidnapping, interrogation, double-crossing, and forcing him to travel by train (all great spy movies involve trains, because that’s clearly the most efficient way to travel).  If you can’t keep track of all the double identities, don’t worry, Cary Grant can’t either.  That’s what makes these kinds of movies so fun.  It’s about keeping the hero in a constant state of distrust.  That way you can ensure all kinds of tense action sequences involving trains, national monuments, and a scene in which the the bad guys try to kill the protagonist with a tornado.

    This has to be one of my favorite Hitchcock anecdotes.  So he’s brainstorming the story, right?  And he’s got Cary Grant stranded in the middle of an Indiana cornfield, and the bad guys are after him.  So Hitch (being Hitch) decides it would be great if the thugs sic a tornado on him, because how else are you going to kill somebody in Indiana?   This really happened.  At some point, some no-fun Captain Logic Man (probably the screenwriter) pointed out that this is a tad on the preposterous side, because tornados only go after blonde TV stars.

    Can you spot Hitchcock's trademark cameo? He's one of the flying cows.

    So instead we get the crop duster scene.  You’ve probably seen it, and you’ve almost certainly heard of it.  There’s a sinister crop duster that shows up and pursues Cary Grant across the cornfield.  The plane is armed to the teeth, as most crop dusters are, so Cary decides to hide out in the corn.  No matter, the plane simply bombs him with pesticide.  Cary finally gets the best of the plane by luring it into a head-on collision with a gasoline tanker (like to see a tornado fall for that one).  When passers-by stop to see why next fall’s harvest is going up in smoke, Cary steals their truck.

    Cary Grant could outrun Secretariat

    And so it goes.  It’s probably one of the most famous action scenes in the history of movies, and its fame is well deserved.  But I still wish Hitch had figured out a way for the bad guys to tame a tornado.  Cary Grant might be able to outrun a plane, but ain’t no way  he outruns an F5.  I guess that’s what happens when you cast Eve Marie Saint instead of Halle Berry.  Next up… ninety-seven.

  • John Carter of Mars


    If you know anything about John Carter, you know he can jump.  That’s his thing.  He’s like the Flash for jumpers.  A shame, since the Flash is a one-trick pony, and John Carter is so much more.

    All I can do is run Fast 🙁

    John Carter of Mars, who first debuted in the novel A Princess of Mars, is essentially the Superman story in reverse. Superman grew up on a steady diet of red Krypton sun, which is sort of like the acai berries of suns.  When he hit the yellow sun of earth, he transformed from an ordinary baby to a god among men.

    Similarly, John Carter is a simple Virginia gentleman who finds himself transported to a world called Barsoom (Martian word for “Mars”), where his exposure to Earth’s dense gravity and his sharply trimmed mustache makes him a god among men. It is not uncommon for John Carter to leap 50 feet straight up in the air with little effort.

    John Carter is the Dwight Howard of Mars

    But John Carter is more than just an adventurer with mad hops. The story opens with a prelude by author Edgar Rice Burroughs, detailing his “discovery” of the “manuscript” of his “uncle” John Carter while “visiting” the Carter homestead. By using this sort of “found footage” gimmick, Burroughs predates the Blair Witch Project by 80 years.

    Carter’s tale begins with an Old West adventure yarn, continues on through the discovery of a gold vein, and proceeds with Carter fleeing from a band of murderous Apaches who have already killed his partner.  John Carter discovers a hidden cave in the sheer side of a cliff, hides there, and vows to make his last stand.  Even if the story had stopped right here, it might still make our list of 100 Extraordinary Adventures.

    But like all strange caves, this one is a portal to another dimension.  When John wakes up, he finds himself at the hatching grounds of the “green men of Mars.” These Martians are barbaric warriors, six-limbed green giants with no interest in frozen vegetables. The finer points of humanity — friendship, love, ridiculous jumping skills — are unknown to them. But John earns a place as one of their chieftains by besting them in battle.

    Mars makes me jolly

    It should be noted that jumping plays only a moderate role in his fighting skills. It is true that he is afforded superhuman strength by virtue of Mars’ lesser gravity, but John Carter is a first-rate brawler even without those powers. It is not long before the green men are in awe of him. Not only does he fight like a strung-out tree toad, but he is also able to tame wild Martian stallions and befriend ferocious Martian dogs through use of his secret weapon: Kindness. He wins a few allies, but makes more enemies, and soon John Carter is banished into the Martian wilderness.

    It is here that the story heats up, for John actually meets a princess of the red race of Mars, whose name is not Lois Lane, nor is it Pocahontas. If you really must know, her name is Dejah Thoris. Her people are very humanoid, and soon John is headlong in the first interspecies romance of the sci-fi era.

    Paving the way for great space travellers to come.

    As a love story, you will recognize all the elements: A meet-cute, some early bickering, forbidden love, the princess promised to another, and an epic battle with John teaching the green men how to get along with the red men, with or without Kevin Costner’s help. It should come as no surprise that John wins the princess’s hand and vanquishes an invading force by use of his massive fleet of flying ships (oh yeah, forgot to mention that he has captured a massive fleet of flying ships).

    And it is here, at the end of the book, that John Carter of Mars takes a turn for the strange.

    This part is normal.

    Yes, a Virginian grasshopper flitting around on an alien planet, dating red chicks and capturing giant airships is par for the course.  But when it comes to the nail-biting cliffhanger endings, Edgar Rice Burroughs is off the reservation.  Keep a weather eye about you, matey.  There be spoilers ahead.

    The last few pages of the book gloss over John’s remaining 10 years on Mars. He and Dejah are happy, of course, and I’m sure John does many marvelous things, like curing Barsoomian cancer and standardizing the planetary currency. But right at the end of the book, disaster strikes.

    Apparently Mars has giant atmospheric pumping stations to purify the air, and these are hidden in the Martian wilderness and can only opened up by the Martian equivalent of a secret handshake (thought waves of color projected at the door, as if you didn’t already know). Unfortunately, the plant has failed, meaning the entire planet is suffocating to death.  If this sounds like the ending to Stephen King’s Under the Dome, then maybe imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery.

    John, of course, knows the secret handshake, having stumbled onto the plant during his wanderings in the Martian wilderness. As Martians are dropping dead all around him, he races aboard a speederbike to the plant’s back door, and with the help of some Ewoks, just manages to transmit the necessary thought waves that open the door before he collapses from asphyxia.  He coughs instructions to a sentry for restarting the plant, but passes out as the sentry runs through the halls.

    When John regains consciousness, he is back in the desert cave on Earth.  Mars is a million miles away, and John is left to wonder if the planet (in other words, his girlfriend) has been saved or not.

    Yes, that’s really the ending.

    Edgar Rice Burroughs went on to “discover” many more of John Carter’s “real” adventures, and it resulted in an epic 11-volume collection, some of which are almost as famous as this first story.  There have been many attempts to turn the story into a movie, but when only films that star Traci Lords actually cross the finish line, you’re not really looking at high art. It is said that the John Carter story was a heavy influence for Avatar, but that movie’s plot is so utterly and completely original that I find it hard to believe anyone could suggest this.

    Strangely, John Carter of Mars has never influenced any other sci-fi movies.

    Hope remains on the horizon in the form of Andrew Stanton of Pixar (director of Finding Nemo and Wall-E). If Stanton’s reputation is any indication, his upcoming film will mark the first time John Carter has successfully transcended his pulp fiction and comic book roots, and also the first time anyone seriously considered Ellen Degeneres for the role of a sci-fi princess.

    "I can speak Barsoom!"

    Next up on our list… #98.