100 Extraordinary Adventures

The Count of Monte Cristo

Extraordinary Adventure 64 Allow me if you will to take a plot, shine a laser at it and see if, like a cat, you can follow it: Once upon time there was a young man who was unjustly imprisoned. Then one day, an old man finds him and mentors him, all the while telling him […]


Myst is an amazing environment created entirely by computer, and without a hint of Keanu Reeves. And a groovy steampunk vibe to boot (a 100 years ago, that sentence would have been incomprehensible).

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Extraordinary Adventure 66 “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.” This, the opening line of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, has been called one of the best opening lines in the history of books and it almost deserves it. Most people don’t realize that not all books even have […]